Sunday, August 29, 2010

Yes, Mum, I'm looking after myself

In the past two months I’ve taken a new job in a new country. To prepare for the move we renovated the bathroom and laundry, sorted and “de-cluttered” the majority of the house, and worked through all of the cleaning and maintenance required to list a property for sale. Suckers for punishment, we also managed both an engagement and a small wedding before I departed. So yeah, I’ve been a little busy.

I am now in Melbourne, Australia, and waiting for my lovely husband to join me in October, and will share my temporary kitchen and cooking-for-one experiences with you. (Yes, I do see the irony of writing a “cooking-for-one” series when newly-married!!!)

Thanks for your patience while I’ve dropped off the face of the earth these past few months. I’d like to say a special thank-you to my lovely sisters, for sharing a little of their own kitchens here while I was offline. Hope you continue to pop in from time to time! 

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See, Mum - I'm eating my veggies!

1 comment:

  1. Hmmmmm 3 of the 5 photos appear to be the same dish - think you can fool me huh!
