Sunday, April 21, 2013

Veggie garden: Autumn

We visited the garden again yesterday, and Jason grabbed a couple of update photos for me.

The passionfruit are at the top of the arches.  I've kept a few plants from the summer garden for now (a couple of basil plants, and nasturtiums - plus parsley and thyme), but most of this is only a few weeks old.  I have broad beans and kale (which I've been dreaming about planting since I first signed up for the garden - so much so that I planted two kinds of kale, russian red and cavolo nero), plus carrots (orange and purple), beets, and spinach:




In other news... See the lonely patch next to my one below?


..well it needs a name. If you can think of something more creative than "J-Dub 2" please let me know!

I made the mistake of going for a walk to see what everyone else had planted after mine was done... and I decided I wanted peas, but I didn't have room for them... and now I have room for them, and a few other things too.
Will post some pics once the second garden gets a bit of growth (looks a bit like dirt at the moment, still waiting for the seeds to sprout).  Then maybe we'll have a naming ceremony!

1 comment:

  1. J2D2? Dubstep? or your old portmanteau of JET? ;)
